Home > Gapyeong County Introduction > Symbols of Gapyeong
Symbols of Gapyeong

- Symbol Emblem that symbolizes the image as a leisure-sport, garden city, which is the general aim of Gapyeong-gun, and contains an urban image of a future filled with harmony and energy in its residents.

- Features
Expresses a progressive and dynamic image of a person in the natural city of Gapyeong enjoying leisure sports Expresses the clean image of Gapyeong as a city of clear waters
Blue : Represents clear and pure image
Green : Represents green and blue image

- Symbol
Friendly, dynamic and cute image that represents Gapyeong-gun that acts as a link between Gapyeong-gun and its people.
Using a pine nut as the motif, it was personified and shows a half-peeled nut with hair flowing in the wind. It uses natural colors and its name is Jatdori from its original Korean name to make it easy to recognize and remember.

- Gapyeong County Bird : Pheasant
Designation Date: October 10, 1972
Meaning: Its magnificent feathers represent the beautiful scenery of Gapyeong and its upright posture symbolizes the never failing spirit of Gapyeong.

- Gapyeong County Tree : Korean White Pine
Designation Date: October 10, 1972
Meaning: Pine trees, which are planted all across the area has straight branches and is an ever-green that symbolizes the transparent and chaste spirit of the residents of the area

- Gapyeong County Flower : Forsythia
Designation Date: October 10, 1972
Meaning: The beauty of the forsythia, which blossoms in March, represents the hopes of residents for everlasting development.

- Gapyeong County Agricultural Product Brand
Name: Pureun Yeonin (Blue Love)
This represents that agricultural goods produced in Gapyeong have the nature's cleanliness and the purity of lovers; it symbolizes agricultural goods that is recognized by nature
Image Symbolism
Expresses the clean natural image of Gapyeong and its community culture 。